Sun Prairie Band Boosters

Email Lists
Frequently Asked Questions

The success of our Sun Prairie Bands depends on the support of SPBB members. Please sign up for the email lists that interest you so that you are kept informed. Thank you!

Arrgg! I received one or more welcome emails from SPBB.ORG. How did you get my email address?

You have received a welcome email because your son or daughter is enrolled in a Sun Prairie High School band, using an email address provided during registration.   Sun Prairie Band Boosters (SPBB) email lists are used mainly by SPHS teachers and staff, SPBB board members,  or SPBB committee chairs to keep band member parents informed about band activities.  Your email is kept private from the group --  PROVIDED you are not a poster to a SPBB email list.  Please add emails coming from to the "white list" of your spam filter so it doesn't block them.

How do I remove myself from an SPBB email list?

Please do not respond to the whole list saying "Remove Me!" 

Look at the footer of every email you receive from any SPBB email list and follow the bottom link to edit your account. Every email sent by any SPBB list has a footer similar to this (it will be slightly different for each SPBB email list):

SPBB mailing list
Please see our FAQ at
To manage or remove your email address from this list visit:

The management link in the email footer will take you to a web page that contains an "Unsubscribe or edit options" button near the bottom of it.  Enter your email address in the box to the left of that button and press it. You'll be taken to a web page to manage your SPBB email list account.   You do not need to know or enter your password to remove yourself from the list.  Just press the "Unsubscribe" button.  You will be sent a confirmation email that you must respond to in order to be removed from the list.

Please remember there are several SPBB email lists.  You have to repeat this removal step for every list you are a member of.  Also, some people are signed up to receive SPBB emails at work and home.  If you have more than one email address, it may be frustratingly difficult to figure out _which_ email address the SPBB list is using, as your email address is not the "TO:" (the main addressee) of SPBB emails.   

If all else fails, please contact with your real name and ask to be removed.

I forgot my SPBB email list password, help!
My email address has changed, how do I change it on an SPBB email list?
How do I manage my SPBB email list account?

If you want to edit other options for your SPBB email list account, you will need your SPBB site email list password.  You do not need a password to remove your email address from a list.  This password is not your Windows login password or any other password you use for sending email or receiving email, unless you took previous action to make the passwords the same -- a practice we STRONGLY discourage!   
If you forgot or lost your SPBB email list password, read the question above about removing yourself from a SPBB email list.   On the web page you are taken to after you enter your email address,  will you will find a button labeled "Remind," which will automatically email you your SPBB email list password.

You can manage your account to temporairly stop emails, and to control how emails are sent and formatted for you.  In general, unless you are a "techie" type, it is recommended you not mess with these settings.  If you are having any difficulty receiving your SPBB list emails, or managing your account, email

What email lists are there for the Sun Prairie Band Boosters?

You can find them all listed here.

What is the web address of the SPBB email web site?

We have tried to provide an easy to remember web page address of from where you can always begin all your SPBB email browsing. You need only enter "" (without the quotes) in most browsers.

What's with this security certificate notice I get when I access parts of the web site?

Secure connections are protected by security certificates and they provide two functions for our email web site.

1) Encryption of the communication channel from you to the site.
2) Assurance that site is the one you think it is

Dependent on the security settings of your web browser, you may get a security pop-up. It SHOULD say something like "the site has identified itself correctly." If not, please email and let us know. Since you receive a password to access your account, this prevents interception no matter where you access the site from. We will never ask for anything more confidential than an email and your name!  Make sure "" is the site displayed in your browser's address line and the "padlock" is locked and displayed when you are in the parts of this web site that ask for you to enter information.

I'm new to the an email list, or my email changed, and I know I missed some messages sent to the list.  How can I see the emails I missed?

Follow the "manage your account" link on the bottom of any SPBB email.   At the top of the web page, there's a "visit the archives" link.  You must be a member of the list you want to view, and you will need to enter your email and password to view the archive. See questions above if you don't have your SPBB email list password.

I don't want to receive SPAM from the SPBB list.  What measures are being taken to prevent this?

Preventing this is a major concern with our email lists. Indeed, this system reduces that possibility from previous methods of sending emails.  Only SPBB board members or chairs may post to SPBB email lists.  When a person attempts to subscribe to a list, we require human intervention before their email address is allowed to join the list.  We will require a name to go with an email address, and new subscribers may be contacted to confirm their  identity. Since posters never receive email addresses when they post a message to a SPBB email list, your email address will not be revealed to them, even if SPAM somehow gets through. Please see the next question.

Is my email address ever revealed to everyone in the group?

Only if you are a poster a SPBB email to a list. It is not possible to post anonymously.  Usually teachers, SPBB board members, or chairs can post.

Can I reply privately to the poster of an email sent to an SPBB email list?

Yes.  In most -- NOT ALL -- email programs, if you press your "reply button", the sender's email address will be automagically set as the addressee.   Please pay attention to the "TO:" and "CC:" fields when you reply to emails from the group, especially if you are a SPBB email poster.

What's the software that's used for the email lists and why the generic look to the SPBB mail web site?

Glad you asked!  This automated system uses free software from the great WWW that's called, somewhat un-creatively, "Mailman."   You can learn more about it at this web address

Though it is free, it is a very capable and an industrial duty application used by thousands of groups world-wide.  The web interface design is utilitarian so it can be used by any group.  It is software designed by geeks to be functional, not pretty.

I am a user of this email system.  Is there a manual I can read?

I am a committee chair administering a SPBB email list.  Is there a manual I can read?

What are digests?  Why can't I get this option to work with my account?

This is a generic email list application.  Organizations may have email lists where there are many postings per day, and people may chose to receive all of the postings for each day in just one big daily email called a digest.  As this increases delays in getting information out, and SPBB does not generally have more than a dozen emails a week, digest mode has been disabled on all SPBB email lists, despite what some generic interface messages may suggest.

I posted an email to a SPBB list.  How do I know it was sent?

You will receive a copy of your message in short order.  You are on the list -- every member of the list gets your message.  After that, it's like any other email message.  Delays and lost emails can occur, and are beyond SPBB control.  We think this system is nice for posters, as they will receive their message back as confirmation something happened. This is more than you get with other email until someone actually replies.

If you do not receive any copy of your message within about 15 minutes,  contact

You haven't answered my question in this FAQ. Who can I contact to get my question answered?

Please help us to make our FAQ more complete.  Send your question to